Articles Tagged with: châle

New pattern: Yuyuan Shawl

I’m happy to announce the release of my new pattern Yuyuan, a triangle shawl with a pretty border. You can make this shawl in symmetrical or asymmetrical shape.

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Chunyi Shawl

Chunyi is a spring shawl with its lace and its softness, knitted with one skein of gradient yarn (Sooblank).

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Witoc – Shawl

Witoc (Walking in the old city) is a triangular shawl, warm and soft, with contrasting stripes and lace pattern.

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tuto chale tricot moonlight

Moonlight Shwal

Moonlight is a shawl made with knitting and crochet. I wanted to make a shawl with these two different techniques. The result is rather nice.

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